The Velveteen Dream is a pretty outspoken individual and he recently sent out a rather interesting message to the fans and more importantly, to the children of America.
He apologized on behalf of everyone that is a “pop culture leader” for failing the children. He said, “we play deaf as if we can’t head anything over the sounds of adulation and grandeur.”
We’ve included the text from his message to America’s children so you can read it yourself.
“Dear Children Of America,
I’m sorry. My heart breaks as news of ANOTHER shooting takes my timeline hostage. The Government, the Education system, and Law Enforcement continue 2 FAIL U. As I sit thinking of the entertainers like myself, who collect paychecks stained by the tears of so many discouraged Americans, I SAY SORRY.
We the Pop Culture leaders of the current generation R failing U. We have a responsibility 2 speak and act in a manner that promotes POSITIVITY & HOPE.
Yet we play blind as if we can’t see anything past the bright lights we perform under.
We play deaf as if we can’t hear anything over the sounds of adulation and grandeur.
I Hear The Screams Of Tormented Souls and The Parade of Bullets flying through the air. I smell the fear of the children and it makes me weak.
Children R The Future and a lack of Future makes our Nation Weak.
i’M SO SORRY That We’ve Failed U.”
Those are some pretty serious and passionate words from Dream and you can really tell the current state of things is weighing pretty heavily on him.