Justin from Ottawa, Canada calls into the show and asks Russo how he would go about writing The Shield’s reunion. Russo says that he would never reunite The Shield if he was writing because WWE’s roster is already too thin. By reuniting The Shield, WWE is taking three of their top guys and putting them back into a stable and he doesn’t see the sense in that.
Russo says that Seth Rollins was on the verge of becoming a major star after The Shield’s initial break-up, but somehow they managed to screw that up. WWE creative ruined Dean Ambrose right out of the gate with his ‘crazy’ gimmick, and Roman Reigns must go home and cry himself to sleep every night because of the dialogue they’re feeding him.
In spite of this, Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns are still three of the top guys in the company, and WWE is basically putting all their money in one basket by reuniting them at this time. The brand split has already thinned the roster, and this just makes things infinitely worse.
Another caller asks Russo which three artists he’d choose to see in concert if he could. He says Rihanna and The Beatles are two easy choices, but the third choice would be tough for him. He’d either choose Journey (the original incarnation with Steve Perry), or Tenacious D.