WWE has announced that they will run an upcoming show under the ‘Starrcade’ banner, and Brandi Rhodes has tweeted out voicing her frustration that WWE hasn’t given Dusty Rhodes any credit for that show’s origins.
Russo thinks Brandi spoke too soon here because WWE has no reason to not give credit to legends like Dusty Rhodes, Sting and Ric Flair for their part in the history of that brand, and he thinks WWE will bring this up as the date of the show approaches. Gilbertti agrees and says people complain too much these days.
Lane points out that WWE is rumoured to be setting up a match between the Four Horsewomen of UFC and the Four Horsewomen of WWE. Gilbertti says that Ronda Rousey is a ‘petty stock’ at this point, and this isn’t really a big story at all. When Rousey made a guest appearance at WrestleMania alongside The Rock two years ago she was a big deal, but she has since lost all of her mystique and WWE missed the boat here.
Russo agrees and says that Rousey’s stock was at an all-time high before she suffered back-to-back losses in UFC. Gilbertti says that if Rousey was still a big deal, WWE wouldn’t have introduced this whole angle by having Rousey sitting ringside at the Mae Young Classic looking like a mark.