Jericho welcomes Cody Rhodes to the show.
Rhodes says he’s going by just ‘Cody’ right now because he couldn’t bring himself to ask WWE officials if he could use ‘Cody Rhodes’. He thinks they would probably grant him the rights to that name if he really asked for it, but he was happy enough to simply go with ‘Cody’.
Rhodes informs that he was recently part of a ROH television taping, where they taped several week’s worth of shows in the same day. He says they debuted the ‘Ring of Honour’ on these tapings and he thought that went over very well. He gives props to that audience because they stayed alive and active through several episodes worth of matches.
During this indie run Rhodes informs that he has modelled himself after Vince McMahon, Ric Flair and other old school personalities who looked at professional wrestling as a business, and always looked presentable and respectable wherever they went.
Rhodes says he left WWE because it was simply time. He started in WWE when he was 19 and he was there for 11 years. He was growing tired and knew it was time for a change. He worked with Zack Ryder on an episode of Superstars in his last match and after the match Mark Carrano walked past him and said, “I’ll see you tomorrow” and Rhodes responded, “No you won’t”.