After being back there for a little while he started to remember why he left the first time, and he knew he went against God’s will by going back to work for TNA. He knelt down one day and prayed to God because he knew if he left TNA again he’d have no income. He reached into his pocket to get a piece of gum and two crisp $50 bills were in his pocket. He still has no idea where that money came from, and he knew that was a sign from God that he’d be taken care of.
He left the company again, but after some time away he began consulting for them. This was being kept secret but one day Russo sent an email to PWInsider’s Mike Johnson by accident, and Johnson ran with this story, ultimately costing Russo his job. Russo understands now that this was God’s doing, because if he wasn’t going to commit to leaving the company on his own, God was going to make that happen for him.
It has now been six years since Russo worked for a major wrestling company and he’s still managing to pay his bills, so he knows that God kept his word when he sent the sign that he would be taken care of.
That sums up today’s episode of Vince Russo’s The Brand. You can listen to the show yourself anytime here, and I’ll catch ya tomorrow for another recap!