This is just one Monday night, and this situation might not occur again for another several years. This just happens to be one year when the Superstars have to work on Christmas day. Families can make arrangements to celebrate before or after because mommy/daddy has to go to work on December 25th, it’s that simple.
Russo says that’s a terrible opinion, and this all boils down to Vince McMahon not giving a shi* about his employees or their families.
Lane mentions that Sasha Banks has come under some criticism lately for being disrespectful to fans. Gilbertti says these today’s Superstars seem to forget that these fans want pictures and autographs because they watch the product and they look up to them. If it’s such a big inconvenience for these Superstars to take a picture in the airport, then maybe they’re in the wrong business.
That sums up today’s episode of Vince Russo’s The Brand. You can listen to the show yourself anytime here, and I’ll catch ya tomorrow for another recap!