Lawler also informs that he wouldn’t consider training talent at WWE’s Performance Centre. People tell him that he throws a very convincing working punch, but he says he’d have no idea how to explain that to trainees at the Performance Centre.
Another listener calls into the show and asks Lawler if he ever thinks we’ll see Jerry Jarrett inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame for the contributions he made to the wrestling business over the years. Lawler says he still has sporadic contact with Jerry Jarrett, but he doesn’t think Jarrett will ever be entered into the WWE Hall of Fame.
One of the qualifications to enter the Hall of Fame is that you wrestled or were visible on air as a WWE Talent, and although Jarrett worked for the company for a period of time, he was never an impactful on-screen character.
Lawler says he has no idea how many crowns he has lost or damaged over the years, but he has about 30 crowns right now.
That sums up this week’s episode of Dinner With the King. You can listen to the show yourself anytime here, and I’ll catch ya next week for another recap!