Instead of simply managing Nunzio, he began tagging with him and they became a great tag team. Then one day Stephanie and Vince McMahon approached him and asked him if he could wrestle in a dress. He was determined to wrestle in a dress and get it over to the best of his abilities. He considered it an opportunity and he was going to run with it. Russo still thinks WWE did this to punish Vito because they knew Vito was his friend.
Vito says that he heard those rumours backstage at the time, but he says if that was the case, the rib was on them because he made himself the most over guy on Smackdown during that time. If you’re a professional it shouldn’t matter what the office throws at you, it’s your job to get that over and make it work.
Russo agrees with that sentiment, but he points out that WWE might only be your employer for a short period of time. He asks Vito if he was concerned with how his presentation would be received to the general public and to other wrestling promotions. He says that WWE was really the only game in town anyways, and he was simply doing whatever he could to secure his employment at that time. He was being a good employee.
That sums up today’s episode of Vince Russo’s The Brand. You can listen to the show yourself anytime here, and I’ll catch ya tomorrow for another recap!