Ryback is joined on today’s show by his co-host Pat Buck.
Buck sends his best wishes and prayers to Ric Flair as he continues to recover in the hospital right now. Ryback echoes that sentiment and says he sent a personal message to Charlotte a few days ago. He says that Flair was always very good to him during his time in WWE, and he’d always have productive criticism for Ryback in terms of his performance.
Ryback goes on to say that Flair just seems to be indestructible, so when the news broke that he was hospitalized with serious issues it came as a big surprise. He believes that Flair will recover and will come out on the other end of this even better than before.
Buck mentions that he shaved his beard last week, and he points out that every wrestler has facial hair. Ryback jokes that he should shave his beard too and grow his hair out instead. He says that maybe if he has long hair the fans won’t be able to chant ‘Goldberg’ at him in the future.