WWE taped the following for an upcoming episode of WWE UK on the WWE Network. Here are the spoilers courtesy of Martin Bentley & PWInsider:
Full crowd with a few empty seats scattered around, but otherwise healthy. The ring announcer told us that the show will air on the WWE Network soon. No announcers, they will likely add commentary in Stamford.
Roy Johnson beat HC Dyer in a dark match – fine for what it was. A large amount of PROGRESS Wrestling fans in attendance gave Johnson a good reaction. Johnson won with a variation of the Big Ending.
William Regal came out to warm up the fans and inform us that the winner of the opening match between Mark Andrews and James Drake will get a shot at the WWE United Kingdom Championship at tomorrow’s tapings.
Mark Andrews beat James Drake to earn a WWE United Kingdom Championship match – good match with Andrews providing most of the energy. Drake was a decent WWE style mid card heel and got lots of Jesus Sucks chants. Andrews won with the Stundog Millionaire and a Shooting Star Press.
Akira Tozawa & Saxon Huxley beat The Brian Kendrick & Tony Nese – Huxley was an odd fit but did fine here, with the fans largely behind Tozawa. Kendrick got a lot of Spanky chants which he acknowledged at one point. Tozawa got the win with a senton on Nese.
Pete Dunne beat Sam Gradwell – Dunne was massively over, arguably more than anyone on the show. Gradwell got chants for various bald celebrities which isn’t a help for him. Gradwell got a good deal of offence, but Dunne eventually overwhelmed him and won with The Bitter End.
TJP beat Rich Swann – a very good 205 Live style match but with a more receptive crowd. TJP’s dabbing got him a lot of heat, as he worked on Swann’s leg, which set up the kneebar submission which TJP eventually got the win with at the third time of asking. Swann’s selling was excellent.
Tyson T-Bone beat Dan Moloney – I missed this match as I was in a long queue getting something to eat, but I was told it wasn’t anything special. I heard the fans shouting “Dan” at Moloney in the style of the Norwich-based character Alan Partridge.
Trent Seven beat Wolfgang – physical match much like their meeting in the UK Championship Tournament in January. Both men were popular, with Seven getting a bit more of the support. Wolfgang went for his Howling swanton, but Seven got his knees up, and won with a variant of the Burning Hammer.
Tyler Bate beat Joseph Conners to retain the WWE United Kingdom Championship – very good main event, with Conners nailing the role of a deliberately paced WWE main event heel really well. Bate clipped himself on a Fosbury Flop dive attempt but recovered. Tyler was bleeding during the match, which held things up a bit, but he got the win with the Tyler Driver 97.
After the match, the ring announcer revealed that Pete Dunne will face Trent Seven at tomorrow’s tapings, with the winner challenging either Tyler Bate or Mark Andrews for the WWE United Kingdom Championship at NXT Takeover: Chicago on May 20th.