Tessa Blanchard tweeted someone out about women supporting women on the day before she won the Impact World Title. This was met with a slew of allegations coming her way.

Sienna was the first to fire back at Tessa. She told a story about how Blanchard called La Rosa Negra the N-Word before spitting in her face. This was later confirmed by Rosa that it did take place during a 2017 tour in Japan.

Now Sienna, who used to work as Allysin Kay in Impact Wrestling, revealed that she was alerted that Tessa Blanchard is trying to get even with her. Apparently, the Impact World Champion has been spending some time trying to dig up dirt on Sienna.

I said what I had to say so I’d love to move on, but I just got several msgs about @Tess_Blanchard trying to spread lies.

Unfortunately for you, I’ve built my 11-yr reputation on being respectful. Instead of owning up to your mistakes, you lie, scheme & prove you haven’t changed

She included two screenshots from conversations which you can see below. Sienna followed this up by explaining yet again why nobody came forward about Tessa Blanchard’s behavior before. La Rosa Negra stated that she didn’t want to be blackballed and it seems like that could happen if Blanchard gets her way.

This is one reason people don’t speak up. It’s also one of the reasons I felt I needed to be the one to do so. I have a thick skin, there’s no dirt on me, I have a large platform & amt of colleagues who vouch for me. I’ll gladly absorb this frontline of idiocy to shield my friend

The drama in Tessa Blanchard’s life seems to continue. We will keep a close eye on any future developments right here at Ringside News.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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