WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross shared his thoughts on the evolving landscape of professional wrestling during his Grilling JR podcast, including the surprising collaborations between WWE and TNA, now known as Impact Wrestling.

Fans have been buzzing over recent appearances by Jordynne Grace, Joe Hendry, and Frankie Kazarian on NXT programming, as well as Tatum Paxley facing Grace at TNA Against All Odds.

When asked about the possibility of WWE and AEW working together, Ross acknowledged that while it’s difficult to envision currently, he emphasized that nothing is impossible in the world of wrestling. He noted the benefits of bringing in new talents and providing opportunities for them to shine on a bigger stage, whether in WWE or AEW.

“It’s hard to see it, but nothing’s impossible apparently. But it’s something I can’t fathom right now. I can’t fathom it right now. I think WWE will take in boarders and renters for their space, but to keep them permanently might be a stretch. But I think it’s a good idea. The wrestling fans, I’ve said this before, they like new, they like change, they like surprises, and there’s not too many great talents that are working.”


Ross expressed his optimism about the current state of wrestling, appreciating the influx of new talent and the competitive environment it fosters. He highlighted the importance of talent development and the potential for wrestlers to achieve greater success and financial stability as they progress in their careers.

“You gotta, wherever you can find them, and who’s not willing to come to WWE or AEW? Because the work is steady and the pay is good, and they know they’re getting paid. I don’t see extended partnerships. I hope I’m wrong because I think it’s good for wrestling, when you get new talent in and they get an opportunity, they’re motivated, they’re skilled. It’s good stuff. So I’m enjoying the current climate of pro wrestling. I like the fact these guys are getting a shot to become stars, bigger stars, and develop their game, and give them hope that there’s bigger money down the road if they deliver. At least I hope so. I want these guys to get every opportunity they can to become stars.”

Jim Ross’s perspective on the potential for inter-promotional collaborations, despite the current challenges, reflects the ever-changing nature of professional wrestling. His optimism and focus on talent development highlight the importance of nurturing new stars and creating a vibrant, competitive industry that benefits wrestlers and fans alike.

What are your thoughts on the recent collaborations between WWE and TNA, and do you think there’s a possibility for WWE and AEW to work together in the future? How do you feel about Jim Ross’s emphasis on talent development and the current competitive environment in wrestling? Share your opinions and predictions in the comments below!

Tags: Jim Ross
Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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