Oba Femi is regarded as one of the most dominant forces in WWE’s developmental territory, NXT. He came to prominence after cashing in his breakout contract and winning the NXT North American championship in the process.

Since then, he has displayed impressive performances and made successful title defences, most recently at the NXT Battleground event in Las Vegas against both Wes Lee and Joe Coffey.

A post by WWE NXT on their social media called out for potential challengers who could possibly dethrone Oba Femi for his championship gold. This led former WWE and current TNA star, AJ Francis, then known as Top Dolla, to throw his name in the hat via his X.



With multiple WWE and TNA crossover already in full force, with the most recent being Joe Hendry’s highly anticipated appearance on last night’s NXT, it seems that AJ Francis could potentially explore the route and challenge Oba Femi for his NXT North American Championship.

Do you think AJ Francis can dethrone Oba Femi for his NXT North American Championship? Sound off in the comments!

Nikunj Walia

Nikunj Walia is a versatile creative professional renowned for his out-of-the-box thinking. With a knack for innovation and adaptability, he excels across diverse niches. From content creation to event hosting, digital expertise, and Indian influencing, Nikunj aims to carve a distinctive identity for himself. His mission? Revolutionizing how wrestling content is consumed, one groundbreaking idea at a time.

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