The ongoing collaboration between WWE and TNA has been a major focus in the wrestling world for months, and the momentum shows no signs of slowing down, most recently with Joe Hendry’s highly anticipated appearance coming to fruition on NXT.

The current General Manager of SmackDown, Nick Aldis, has a rich history with TNA Wrestling. Throughout his time with the promotion, Aldis has captured multiple championships and become a mainstay with the company.

In recent interview with the Gorilla Position podcast, Nick Aldis expressed optimism about the TNA and WWE partnership. He praised TNA star Jordynne Grace’s performance, crediting her as a key driver behind the collaboration and hoping for more to come amidst this partnership.

Nick also highlighted TNA’s rich history, noting his entry into the promotion during its peak in 2009. He emphasized the benefits of WWE incorporating TNA’s history, particularly for stars like AJ Styles and LA Knight. Furthermore, Nick Aldis believed that fans crave the full story of a wrestler’s career in the digital age, and recognizing past achievements can enhance storytelling and represent a significant shift for WWE.


“I feel good about it. I don’t know much about it, truthfully, so I can’t speak too much to it. I thought Jordynne Grace put in a tremendous performance. She’s probably a lot of the driving force behind the whole relationship because once you have a talent like that, a promoter, which Hunter and Shawn are, they are looking at it like, ‘I don’t care how we have to get it done, I want that person on my TV show.’ A lot of times, that’s the genesis of a lot of working relationships. I certainly hope that there can be more between WWE and TNA. TNA has a rich history. I came into TNA arguably at the peak in 09. We were doing a couple million views on SpikeTV and were in hundreds of countries around the world and had a world class roster, which I think gets overlooked. The quality of that roster, I was very fortunate to be around that talent and learn from them through osmosis. I think it would be beneficial for WWE to be able to harness some of that history, particularly when you look at AJ Styles, Drew, LA Knight, to cover that part of a character’s history. What we’re looking at now, and as we’ve moved into the digital age, people want the full story. The idea of ‘everything you did before here doesn’t exist,’ has faded away because people say, ‘It’s more fun to know about other things,’ and planting seeds. The ability to dive into that and enhance stories would be beneficial and a major shift in WWE going forward.”

With Nick Aldis’s rich history with TNA, it would be interesting to witness his crossover and make his appearance in the promotion, which could certainly generate more headlines for both companies.

Do you think there is more to the WWE TNA collaboration as envisioned by Nick Aldis? Sound off in the comments!

Nikunj Walia

Nikunj Walia is a versatile creative professional renowned for his out-of-the-box thinking. With a knack for innovation and adaptability, he excels across diverse niches. From content creation to event hosting, digital expertise, and Indian influencing, Nikunj aims to carve a distinctive identity for himself. His mission? Revolutionizing how wrestling content is consumed, one groundbreaking idea at a time.

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